#45: Key Lessons:

Common mistakes prevent new entrepreneurs to build a profitable personal brand based businessThe right and wrong ways to use affiliate marketing for your businessThe different consumer characteristics in US and UK marketsThe keys to building a future-proof businessThe best ways to get noticed and be trusted by your audienceWhy you must be seen to sell to be a leader in your industry

That is Chris Ducker, my personal business mentor, a serial entrepreneur, the bestselling author of “Rise Of The Youpreneur, The Definitive Guide to becoming the Go-To Leader in Your Industry and Building A Future-Proof Business; The host of well known Youpreneur F.M. podcast. (Key Lessons)

We sat down this time to chat about mainly how to build a future-proof business, we cover from the what is a cassette tape is all the way to the generational impact and of course some seriously fun moments about how he got caught stealing….Do you want to know what he stole? Now let’s chat with Chris!

Important Links & Mentions in this episode:

Chris’s Website:  ChrisDucker.com

Youpreneur Summit: YoupreneurSummit.com

Subscribe + Review on iTunes: https://kellybaader.com/review

Subscribe + Listen on Spotify  https://kellybaader.com/Spotify

Thank You for Tuning In!

I hope you enjoyed the transparent conversation as much as I did.  It’s so easy to look at other’s success without knowing the ups and downs they have endured to get to this point.  As we listened to Vicky, the journey for her to find that clarity so that she could move forward with more confidence wasn’t an easy road.

Did you know you can listen to our show on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Tunein, GooglePlay, Android, and Stitcher. That means, if you have Alexa from Amazon at home, you can also give the commend to play our show, pretty cool, right? Please do Subscribe + Review at https://kellybaader.com/review. It helps more people can find the show, my team and I would really appreciate it!

Remember, YOU Matter! See you in the next episode.