It’s hard to know where to start when creating a brand, and even harder to manage that brand once it’s established. There are far too many places to invest your time and money, and often the budget ends up scattered and yields little rewards. While managing a brand, there is no direct path to success or a checklist of things to do next. 

On the show today, Alex Sanfilippo will discuss innovative ways to solve this ongoing issue in creating a brand. He has expert tips on how to grow your business quickly, from where to start to what to do along the way. His network, Creating a Brand, is all about aiding fellow entrepreneurs on their journey to grow their business successfully.

But really, “creating a brand” is one of the multiple steps that new business owners engage in as they are forming their company and business plan.  Alex is not exclusively a branding expert; his real secret sauce lies in helping start-up businesses to set up their company properly across all fronts.  Alex speaks the SEO language of his ideal clients with how he branded his company.  As a result,  Alex’s ideal clients easily find him for branding.  They end up getting way more value in support of all other areas in their businesses that they did not realize they needed.

Alex speaks from experience with creating successful brands and successful start-up businesses. He has been interested in creating new businesses ever since he was 12; he started with a simply used golf ball business to a widespread podcast and masterclass aimed to help fellow entrepreneurs. It took several trials and errors in creating his own business, but when he finally gained enough traction, his business soared. His ultimate goal in his Creating a Brand Network is to help other business owners to succeed as well as he did, but even faster. He can apply his own experience and lessons to your brand, giving it the jumpstart it needs to grow quickly.