“There's this huge market for people that have dual skin concerns, and nothing that addresses it,” shares Kayleigh Clark, co-founder of CLEARstem, a skincare company that combines anti-aging and anti-acne solutions into one product line while also providing skincare education. In today’s episode, host Christi Lukasiak is joined in conversation with both co-founders of CLEARstem, Kayleigh Clark and Danielle Gronich, to talk about the combination of acne and aging concerns that many adults struggle with.

Acne doesn't just go away when you get older. Unfortunately, many anti-aging products include pore clogging ingredients that trigger breakouts and many acne products are too harsh and leave behind scars. Danielle and Kayleigh created CLEARstem because they saw that there was a need for products that would combine anti-aging properties with ingredients that were safe for acne-prone skin and would also help clear up existing breakouts and scars. With Danielle’s experience running her acne clinic and Kayleigh’s experience as a nutritionist, together they set out to design a skincare line and education platform that empowers people to regain control over their skin. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Christi’s Couch for a conversation about skincare. Learn how to check your products for acne triggers and which foods to eliminate from your diet to help you get clearer and healthier skin.  


“There's this huge market for people that have dual concerns, and nothing that addresses it. In fact, one area like anti-aging cancels out the acne and acne products damage your skin and cancel out your anti-aging. So they were really conflicting categories, but we combined them.” (15:29-15:44 | Kayleigh)

“When you see these ads that pop up like this is the one thing that cured my acne it’s total bullshit.  Pardon my french, but it's never just one thing. And that's why acne is so difficult for people to clear.” (19:35-19:46 | Danielle)

“Never ever assume. Just because something's organic or clean or natural or has a bunch of reviews doesn't mean anything. In fact, a lot of organic skincare is the worst for acne because it uses a ton of shea butter and coconut oil.” (27:09-27:20 | Danielle)

“No one else is living your life except for you. You are the only one living it. And so why not create an amazing atmosphere and life that you’re building things in.” (32:37-32:46 | Kayleigh)

“We knew if we wanted to actually help people clear their skin, products don't do everything. Products will create so much change and eliminating the pore clogging ingredients will create so much change. But if something's going on with digestion, or they're eating dairy, or they're over-supplementing with wheat, they're never going to get clear. So we create a cascade effect of change by providing additional education that's not only transformed people's skin, but their health as well.” (37:11-37:39 | Kayleigh) 



Connect with Danielle Gronich and Kayleigh Clark:

CLEARstem Website: https://clearstemskincare.com

CLEARstem Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clearstemskincare

Kayleigh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kayleigh.christina

Danielle Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielle.the.acne.guru




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XO, Christi