“It’s so important for us to get to the root of these beliefs,” shares host Christi Lukasiak. In this episode of Christi’s Couch, Christi breaks down common limiting beliefs and misconceptions about money that could be holding you back. 

When thinking about limiting beliefs, we have to consider where those beliefs come from. As children, we are constantly observing our parents and soaking everything up like little sponges. It is likely that our relationship with money will be influenced by how our parents think about money, which is influenced by how their parents thought about money and so on. Christi provides compelling evidence that dismantles common limiting beliefs including that you have to go to college to make money, that you have to work really hard to get money, and that credit cards are evil. In examining those beliefs, you’ll recognize that they are not always true. 

Tune into this week’s episode of Christi’s Couch to learn how to remove the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back so you can reestablish your relationship with money and find financial success.


“Oftentimes, anything that we feel limits us, we can eradicate that belief. Because we'll find supporting evidence that shows that is not always true. And if it's not always true for everyone, why does it need to be true for me, or you?” (12:55-13:18)

“We have to take into account that going to college isn't exactly a guarantee that you're going to get a great job and earn a ton of money. There are so many people out there who earn great money that maybe didn't go to college.” (15:32-15:51)

“Chances are, you're blocking this from coming to you because you have this limiting belief that you have to work really hard and sacrifice to make money.” (25:12-25:22)

“When we are living with these limiting beliefs, we are basically putting up a big fat wall around us that prevents the flow of money for exchanging our gifts with the world.” (27:13-27:27)

“We have seen people in our lifetimes go from struggling to maybe having wealth in some way, shape, or form. And it doesn't make them a bad person. It doesn't make them a good person, it magnifies the person that they already are. Because it's the intention behind what is done with that money.” (29:10-29:29)

“Money actually is not a limited resource. There is enough out there for everyone.” (32:34-32:38)

“It's so important for us to get to the root of these beliefs. When you think something like this, ask yourself, “Where did I learn that from?” (34:10-34:19)


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XO, Christi