Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up for you today. The Top Episodes of 2023 (by YouTube views) Chapters Participants: Camden Bucey, Carlton Wynne, Cory Brock, Dan Ragusa, Danny Olinger, Greg Beale, […]

Since 2008, we have been taking time around New Year’s Day to bring you some of the top moments from the preceding year. We have several great clips lined up for you today.

The Top Episodes of 2023 (by YouTube views)
Dan Ragusa — Preterism and 2 Peter 3 (YouTube) Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock — A Theological Introduction to Neo-Calvinism (YouTube) Greg Beale — The New Testament Use of the Old Testament (YouTube) Carlton Wynne — Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (YouTube) Camden Bucey — The Importance of Cornelius Van Til for Today (YouTube) Jim Cassidy — Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth (YouTube) Danny Olinger — Christianity and Liberalism: Introduction (YouTube) Lane Tipton — Exitus and Reditus in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas (YouTube) Jonathan Master — Reformed Theology (YouTube) Michael Beck — Covenant Theology and Cultural Engagement in the Thought of Meredith G. Kline (YouTube)

00:00:07 Introduction 00:03:26 The Top 10 Episodes of 2023 00:15:13 [Dan Ragusa] Preterism and 2 Peter 3 00:24:22 [Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock] A Theological Introduction to Neo-Calvinism 00:30:14 [Greg Beale] The New Testament Use of the Old Testament 00:39:28 [Carlton Wynne] Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion 00:46:58 [Camden Bucey] The Importance of Cornelius Van Til for Today 01:00:24 [Jim Cassidy] Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth 01:12:16 [Danny Olinger] Christianity and Liberalism: Introduction 01:16:59 [Lane Tipton] Exitus and Reditus in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas 01:25:09 [Jonathan Master] Reformed Theology 01:34:52 [Michael Beck] Covenant Theology and Cultural Engagement in the Thought of Meredith G. Kline 01:40:52 Conclusion

Participants: Camden Bucey, Carlton Wynne, Cory Brock, Dan Ragusa, Danny Olinger, Greg Beale, Jim Cassidy, Jonathan Master, Lane G. Tipton, Michael Beck, Nathaniel Gray Sutanto