Ephesians NOTES
Lies about Ourselves:
- You are not enough.
- You are too broken / too sinful to come to Christ.
- You can’t relate to your non-christian friends if you act too Christiany.
- You have no value / worth / purpose.

Lies about God/The Church:
- The Church is ineffective / exclusive / divided / corrupt.
- You don't need to prioritise church on a Sunday, as people won't miss you.
- Church should be continually 'meeting all your needs'.
- There is no space in church for your gifting.
- God is so holy that he is unreachable.
- Jesus was just a really good man.
- God is permanently angry / disappointed with you.
- Your heavenly father is as flawed as your earthly father.

Lies about Others (family, friends, spouse, society):
- They don’t really care about you.
- You’re much better than them.
- You’re much worse than them.
- Your marriage isn’t really working.
- They have it all together (Social Media 'best bits').
- You’re totally different to everyone else.
- They won't understand even if you did reach out.