On Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 5 PM, Dr. Keith Whitfield will give a lecture entitled, “Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors.” One of the challenges to loving […]

On Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 5 PM, Dr. Keith Whitfield will give a lecture entitled, “Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors.” One of the challenges to loving others is the discomfort caused by change, even imperceptible change. The growth in Muslim population in North America is no longer imperceptible. It is unsettling for many people, including Christians. Fear can’t control us, because it will keep us from the explicit commands of Jesus to make disciples among the nations and might cause us to miss an opportunity to be on mission in a new places, our own communities. To be like Jesus means that we have to love those who are opposed to us or, at a minimum, who profoundly disagree with us. Loving well often requires us to learn and grow. The talk is an attempt to help the church to see the Great Commission opportunities in their neighborhoods and equip us to love our Muslim neighbors by engaging them in gospel conversations.

Dr. Whitfield will also preach in CCWC’s Sunday morning service.

Keith Whitfield serves as Associate Professor of Theology and Provost at Southeastern Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he has been teaching since 2012. He has authored or edited more than five books, including Christology (B&H Academic, 2020), Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors (B&H Academic, 2018), and Trinitarian Theology: Theological Models and Doctrinal Application (B&H Academic, 2019). Dr. Whitfield has been featured in and contributed to a number of publications, including Christianity Today, First Things, the Mission of God Study Bible (Holman Bible Publishers, 2012), and The Gospel Project (LifeWay Christian Resources). Dr. Whitfield is also co-host of the Great Commission Conversations Podcast, where their goal is to encourage pastors and church leaders to engage in sharing the gospel here and around the world.

NOTE: Dr. Whitfield was originally scheduled for our January SNT, but was unable to join us. Dr. Deepak Reju, originally scheduled for April 2022, will join us in 2023.