Sermon: The Parable of the Two Sons
Scripture: Matthew 21:28-32
Teacher: Bro. Chris Carter

In the world of miracles and divine encounters, we often witness the Holy Spirit's incredible work. From healing to revival, God continues to move in awe-inspiring ways. Join us as we reflect on some extraordinary moments that highlight the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Jesus, always striving to touch the hearts of those who claim to know Him, shares a parable about two sons. One responds rudely but later repents and obeys, while the other speaks respectfully but fails to follow through. We draw parallels between these sons and different types of people in our lives.

In this sermon, Bro. Chris Carter reflects on the importance of genuine faith and obedience, citing an example of a headmistress who valued practical faith over spiritual talk. The Christian life, we learn, is about obedience that reflects a genuine heart. He emphasizes that a genuine response to God requires repentance and a departure from sinful behaviors. The Holy Spirit's transformative work is compared to the melting of ice after a long winter.

We're invited to embrace the message that it's never too late to say "YES" to God, to come clean, and to ask the Holy Spirit to transform your life. God's door of mercy is open, and today is the day to say "YES" to His transformative power.