15 Oct 2017 - Rev. David Pileggi looks at the parable of the wedding feast. Being invited into the wedding was not dependent upon wearing the right garment, but staying in the wedding was! This is the notion of living worthy of our calling and of a lifestyle of repentence. Many are invited, but not everyone will be attending …. because of human choice.

David Pileggi reminds us that in studying the parables of Jesus we need to look at the context of the words by

1. Making sure his words are read in a Jewish context
2. Studying the same words as they appear in other gospels.

Parables are stories that use images from everyday life. These appear in the gospels and rabbinic literature. Early Jewish parables help us to prepare for the end of one’s life and for the coming judgment. They are told to make the point simple, not to bring confusion.

Readings: Isaiah 25:1-9, Philippians 4:1-9, Matthew 22:1-14