15 July 2018 -
Rev. Aaron Eime looks at the circumstances around the execution of John the Baptist and what the two main characters can teach us. Herod liked John but wavered on whether to let him go. That indecision led Herod to do evil. Do not delay in doing good lest we are tricked into doing the wrong thing. John was a holy man, an attribute acknowledged by his contemporaries. So why did he die? The beheading of John reminds us that there is suffering in this world. The kingdom suffers violence, yet it is suffering that produces perseverance and hope. Yes, God blesses, but that does not exempt us from suffering and persecution. Are we ready should it come to us?

Readings: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12-19, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:14-29