3 Dec. 2017 - During the advent season we think of the first and second comings of Jesus. Rev. David Pileggi says we have a textual problem in Mark 13 in that the words were received as three different blocks of teachings which were somehow woven together. Firstly, He comes to Jerusalem to warn the nation. Second is the teaching of the coming of the Son of Man. Thirdly, there is a teaching that concerns itself with persecution. We are to interpret scripture correctly so that we can correctly apply it to our lives. These words of Jesus will never pass away. Our ability to live out these words will determine our intimacy with the Father. We need to apply these words to the life we are living today. Jesus tells us to watch out, stay alert, don’t be deceived. These words are good, no matter when we live, for the end of life and for the second coming. In pointing out the stones of the temple, Jesus in effect replies, don’t rely on the things that will fail. Testing is to reveal what is in our hearts. Jesus is telling us we will go through suffering but says, “I will be with you. The gospel is opposed at every turn, and Jesus is handed over, and so will we … but, "I will be with you.” We need to prepare ourselves.

Readings: Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13: 1-37