14 Jan 2018 - In this season of Epiphany, we see Jesus revealed. We saw John preparing the way for the Messiah, Jesus hears a voice which calls him the “Beloved Son”, an affirmation of Jesus himself. He then begins his public ministry. These words also apply to us, Rev. David Pileggi reminds us, in that we should properly understand both his and our own identity. If we know who we are in Christ many of our problems would be resolved.

There is a line that goes right from the baptism to the cross. In today’s passage and in the context of discipleship, our task is to go and find others. Just as God so loved the world, Jesus sends us. “Come and see who Jesus is!” People will not just see Jesus but also Jesus living in us. What does Jesus see in Nathaniel? He looks past his faults and sees something greater, He does not define him by his cynicism. As with Jacob, in which patterns of family mistakes abound, he wrestles, alone, coming to the end of himself with an angel, who is God Himself. He will never be the same again, this is the moment Jacob becomes Israel, the point of transformation. It has been said, “Never trust a leader who does not walk with a limp.” Brokenness resulting in transformation, characterised by humility are the marks of a true shepherd.

Readings: Genesis 28:10 - 22, Genesis 32:24 -32, John 1:43-51