Moses continues his lengthy monologue to the uncircumcised nomadic masses that assemble before him on the plains of Moab. He declares that the people are as numerous as the ‘Stars of Heaven,’ an allusion to God’s promise to the patriarch Abraham in the Book of Genesis. This is presented as a positive blessing from the Lord with the added invocation for a further increase in population, up to a thousand fold.

In his retelling of the appointment of leaders to share the burden of command, specifically of settling judicial matters, Moses leaves out mentioning his father in-law, Jethro. Commentaries to Deuteronomy are divided as to whether this event is a retelling of Exodus 18, in which the impetus to appoint leaders from among the people comes from Jethro, the pagan priest of Midian, or of Numbers 11, qhere the elders will have the same Spirit as Moses and to bear the burden of the people with Moses (Numbers 11:17) but in which the Lord commands the appointing of leaders.

Led by Rev. Aaron Eime.

Notes for this study can be found at ‎

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