Chatting Mental Health in this  Interview with Authors from the Mental Health For Millenials Book Series  by Book Hub Publishing Ireland Joining Chris is Dr.Niall MacGiolla  (McElwee) (BookHub MD) , Giselle Marinan (Life Coach & Stress  Managment Consultant) and Jocelyn Cunningham (Phychotherapist &  Wellbeing Coach Facilitator)

We talk about topics from the books  such as Wellbeing,Stress,Anxiety,Bullying, Death,Grief and why no one  should be afraid to reach out and connect with friends, family, medical  professionals in getting help no matter what!.

We are Human..We  deserve happiness , good wellbeing and positive mental health. These  books feature personal author experiences help guide us through everyday  life and our similarities, were all together on this "Its Ok, Not to be  Ok"

Dedicated In Memory Of Heidi Messenger

Mental Health For Millenials Book series can be purchased on

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