- dane returns for another foray into radio, for once hes sober. yes he returned from exile after his karaoke extravaGANZA. trish is here too but stu dumps her during one of the songs then she leaves and everyone tries to cover it up, like she had some reason to leave (besides going to dumpsville). yeah bitch got jacked.
- we talk about some fugly bogan kid in bathurst and jennifer hawkins.
- new segment this week: confessions of a saturday night (with stu this week)
- a page from the diary of pete cassey, porn shop attendant
- new segment: HORRORscopes, an insight from the stars
- what grinds my gears: lots of stuff including parking spots, gay emails from mick, underage girls being sexual, and stupid people in general.
- boothie finds more reasons to say 'bitch got jacked'
- new segment: 'crazy nans', not indian food, but grandparents. everyone shares.
- extended shit song of the week: the torture contiues
- bitch got jacked
- james makes a double entred joke that dies in the arse
- bitch got jacked
