Five-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, prolific blogger, writer, journalist and activist, David Swanson, executive director of World Beyond War joins Thad to #UnmaskMilitarism and the "phantom menace" behind WWI Discuss the inspiring forgotten 1920s mainstream peace movement which overcame diverse political ideologies and created a treaty to ban all war from David Swanson's book, When the World Outlawed War. List four priorities of Choose Life Abort War. Tell why Veterans for Peace think it's good idea to #ReclaimArmisticeDay Build a Culture of Peace in big or small ways w/ World Beyond War. Tease you with upcoming guests including an Air Force Chaplain court-martialed for applying Just War criteria, a Veteran For Peace who rehumanizes enemies and war victims through photography, two expert Conscientious Objector counselors, and a movie producer/human rights activist who faced an al-Queada warlord to negotiate peace.Be Part of the Conversation Changing Public Conversations About War, Peace, and Security, Subscribe! Apple Spotify Google Stitcher TuneIn  Amazon  or RSS Feed  Support Choose Life Abort War Podcast for Peace, with a One Time Donation PayPal  Buy Me A $3 CoffeeChoose Life Abort War Patreon -- support our podcast's mission  Intro/ outro music: “Choose Life,” by C. Fulmer (c) 1985, used with permission.