Part 3 of 3--  Love your enemies. Listen as movie producer and human rights activist, Jason Scott Jones,  tells how his journey into solidarity with vulnerable stateless people through the Vulnerable People Project leads to an amazing, surprising, and powerful encounter with an Al-Qaeda warlord in Sudan.Subscribe now. Apple Spotify Google Stitcher TuneIn  Amazon  or RSS Feed Support Choose Life Abort War Podcast for Peace, with a One Time Donation PayPal Buy Me A $3 Coffee Choose Life Abort War Patreon -- support our podcast's mission Donate to Jason's Human Rights workVulnerable People ProjectH.E.R.O.'s Movie to Movement Project and bioThe Jason Jones Show (podcast)Jason Jones on IMDB"Toward the Abolition of Strategic Nuclear Weapons: A Just War Analysis of Toal War", a white paper by Jason Jones, John Whitehead, and Aimee MurphyThe Race to Save Our Century: Five Core Principles to Promote Peace, Freedom, and a Culture Of Life, by Jason Scott JonesLike Choose Life Abort War's Facebook PageIntro/ outro music: “Choose Life,” by C. Fulmer (c) 1985, used with permission.