On New Year’s Day, Uncle Weed takes a snowy ramble into the woods around Mt. Cypress encountering earnest tobogganists, snowshoe prints, and windswept Hollyburn cabins. Over a bowl of Purple Kush, he recounts tales of tasty ales, resolutions, cross country skiing, foreign expeditions, and personal documentation while remarking on the varieties of lichen and moss...

Tracking Sasquatch on New Year’s Day – Choogle On! #58

On New Year’s Day, Uncle Weed takes a snowy ramble into the woods around Mt. Cypress encountering earnest tobogganists, snowshoe prints, and windswept Hollyburn cabins. Over a bowl of Purple Kush, he recounts tales of tasty ales, resolutions, cross country skiing, foreign expeditions, and personal documentation while remarking on the varieties of lichen and moss on the trees. 


Put on yer snowshoes Tracking Sasquatch on New Year’s Day – Choogle on #58 (.mp3, 16:17, 13MB)

Produced by Bread, recorded via mobile commlink
Album art snapshot art’ed up by UW

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