Rolling along at SXSW, Uncle Weed rambles on from the lofty porch about the festival details, aesthetics, bands, parties, free beer, politics and logistics after a long night of partying with the proletariat at locations around Austin, TX and meets a few characters. Bring a sparker for Tokes at the Presidential Suite – Choogle on...

Tokes at the Presidential Suite – Choogle On #61

Rolling along at SXSW, Uncle Weed rambles on from the lofty porch about the festival details, aesthetics, bands, parties, free beer, politics and logistics after a long night of partying with the proletariat at locations around Austin, TX and meets a few characters.

Bring a sparker for Tokes at the Presidential Suite – Choogle on #61 (.mp3, 28:08, 22MB)

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