After a pleasing smokedown of California medical marijuana, Uncle Weed wanders back to his luxury hotel – passing San Jose’s domed, modernist, fountain-laden City Hall – and rambling about New York City neighbourhoods, smells and pub-crawls plus grouses about stinky hotels, late flights, sleeplessness and democratic candidates while sneaking tokes as cops roll by in...

Stoney Streets of San Jose with California Medicine – Choogle On! #41

After a pleasing smokedown of California medical marijuana, Uncle Weed wanders back to his luxury hotel – passing San Jose’s domed, modernist, fountain-laden City Hall – and rambling about New York City neighbourhoods, smells and pub-crawls plus grouses about stinky hotels, late flights, sleeplessness and democratic candidates while sneaking tokes as cops roll by in quiet Silicon Valley. 


Medicate for: Stoney Streets of San Jose ~ Choogle On! #41 (.mp3, 26MB, 19:00)


Silverhawk – “Kalispell” (Sam Densmore and John C. Densmore) from Westward (see also
Unknown – “The Things You Can Think” (T. Geisel)
Clayton (the Seabus Busker) – “Tonight” (Ramones)

[album art by Bread the Producer, photo by UWon Flickr]

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