From SouthEast London, Uncle Weed hooks up with The Dopefiend for a wake n’ bake Volcano session and recounts culinary exploits then they join Max Freakout for a day-trip to Brighton Beach with cellulose joints of Jack Herer and engage in political discourse from England’s role in the world to tasty hemp snacks.  Download Joints...

Joints on Brighton Beach with Dopefiend and Freakout – Choogle On! #38

From SouthEast London, Uncle Weed hooks up with The Dopefiend for a wake n’ bake Volcano session and recounts culinary exploits then they join Max Freakout for a day-trip to Brighton Beach with cellulose joints of Jack Herer and engage in political discourse from England’s role in the world to tasty hemp snacks. 


Download Joints on Brighton Beach with Dopefiend and Freakout ~ Choogle On! #38 (32:40, .mp3, 30MB)


Black Tories “Lazurus” – Kill Kool Records

Clayton the Seabus Busker – “Rocketman” (Taupin/John)

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