Herby is a Canadian doing 30 weekends in jail for a 2 light grow operation. He tells Uncle Weed about the conditions of “Guantanamo North” and answers questions about the trial process, political situation in Canada, and keeping his health up. Edited by Bread the Producer. Music from Under the Volcano fest.  Protect your rights...

Hard Tokes with Herby in the Hoosgow – Choogle on #69

Herby is a Canadian doing 30 weekends in jail for a 2 light grow operation. He tells Uncle Weed about the conditions of “Guantanamo North” and answers questions about the trial process, political situation in Canada, and keeping his health up. Edited by Bread the Producer. Music from Under the Volcano fest. 


Protect your rights with Hard Tokes with Herby in the Hoosgow – Choogle on #69 (.mp3, 17:45, 16MB)

More Herby: Field Trip to Herby’s Garden with Dopefiend – Choogle #57 Tokes on the Porch Returns to Herby’s Garden – Choogle on #56 and/or Tokes on the Dopecast: Field Trip to Herby’s Secret Garden Dopecast95: LIVE from Vancouver and Seattle!

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