Arriving in Little Bay, Jamaica into a hammock with a joint and beer, Uncle Weed documents surroundings including cabins, fisherman’s bar, reggae music sound system, eating conch, mineral pool, sea swimming, and drinking all the Red Stripe in Little Bay. Then discusses Heroes’ Day with locals around a campfire + Jamaica family, skills and abilities...

Hammocks and Heroes Day – Choogle On Jamaica Scheme #1

Arriving in Little Bay, Jamaica into a hammock with a joint and beer, Uncle Weed documents surroundings including cabins, fisherman’s bar, reggae music sound system, eating conch, mineral pool, sea swimming, and drinking all the Red Stripe in Little Bay.

Then discusses Heroes’ Day with locals around a campfire + Jamaica family, skills and abilities also rum drinking fishermen, tasty food, island culture, underground economies, ital food and future schemes. 



Rock steady for Hammocks and Heroes Day ~ Jamaica Scheme #1 (.mp3, stereo, 128kbps, 22:44)

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