Aspiring actor and noted carouser O-dawg tells Uncle Weed about his hi-jinks starring in a French reality TV show called “The Lucky Bastard.” He recounts the production foibles, drunken debacles and beach fire exploits of hanging out with African immigrants, smoking hash and scoring with international lassies at the bar and spreads rumours of a...

Buena Joint with the Lucky Bastard – Choogle on #33

Aspiring actor and noted carouser O-dawg tells Uncle Weed about his hi-jinks starring in a French reality TV show called “The Lucky Bastard.” He recounts the production foibles, drunken debacles and beach fire exploits of hanging out with African immigrants, smoking hash and scoring with international lassies at the bar and spreads rumours of a existing video tape.

Then, after rollling a joint of outdoor Mendicino Sunshine and Mango in fascinating clear cellulose papers, they head up to San Francisco’s historic Buena Vista Park to dig the view, roast out and continue the story about security nonsense and NYC funtime. > 


Download Choogle On! with Uncle Weed #33 (32:36, 29.9MB, .mp3)

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