Extra special guest host Lenny Duncan joins Sherley and Clove!

Pastor, Writer and Speaker Lenny Duncan is the author of two books: Dear Church - A love letter from Black Preacher to the whitest denomination in the US & United States of Grace: A Memoir of Homelessness, Addiction, Incarceration, and Hope. Lenny has walked MANY paths in his life as a Black Man, from high school drop out, drug dealer, sex worker, street corner poet, hitchhiker, dharma bum, small-town drifter, seminarian, political activist, father, again a pastor who loves and welcome queer, trans and two-spirited people, a public theologian, lover and writer. Now you are thriving as a PODCASTER. He is the co-host of the Blackberry Jams Podcast.

@BlackberryPhans (via Twitter) where Lenny and his co-host Leslie Mac pull the curtain back on how jam band culture & Black liberation work intersect through their love of the band Phish! You can find out more about him and his work at https://unitedstatesofgrace.com

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“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ― Angela Davis

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