Welcome to episode #0001 of the Chiro Union podcast. The purpose of Chiro Union podcast is to help identify problem areas as well as specific threats to the Chiropractic profession with the goal of uniting true Chiropractors to help solidify our profession. This podcast is by Chiropractors and for Chiropractors.

In this episode, I introduce myself as the host of Chiro Union podcast and fellow Chiropractor Dr. BJ Roca. I share my thoughts on how the doctor of physical therapy, (DPT), is in direct competition with the Chiropractic profession. I explain why the failure to recognize the DPT profession as a direct threat that can and will lead to the demise of the Chiropractic profession. I don’t stop there. I provide a clear breakdown and comparison of the two professions as well as provide what is hopefully a unifying plan to bring us together to stop further erosion, and possible extinction, of our profession.

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