This week the guys talk about their weekends. Miss Universe. Filipinos represent. The FaceApp. Chino as a gorgeous woman. Beans looks awful as a woman. Godzirra movie story. Deadpool Avengers trailer. Onward Pixar movie. MIB International. Is Chris Hemsworth funny? Spawn reboot. John Leguizamo and The Pest. Jordan Peele’s Us movie. Twilight Zone reboot. The Punisher season 2. Binge watching. Titans episode 10. Koriand’r vs. Coriander vs. Cilantro. Spice family. Stranger Things season 3 trailer. Miley Cyrus in Black Mirror season 5. Netflix’s Mowgli. Smeagle. Andy Serkis CGI godfather. Weekend Box Office. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie review. Mortal Engines trash novel. Chino’s lost, then found Smeagle impression. Racist Asian Penny Parker. Superhero Fight Club #SHFC. Would You Rather? Sleeper picks and much more!

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