Just weeks after Facebook announced their Libra cryptocurrency project, the People's Bank of China has become quite vocal about their on-going project. Most recently, the PBOC announced that China's digital currency is "nearly ready." Following on from our previous conversation about Libra and QQ Coin, this week we're joined by Zennon Kapron, director of Kapronasia, to look at what Libra means in a global context as well as China's plans to launch its own digital currency.

Key questions

What are the biggest implementation and adoption challenges for Libra?
Why don't governments like cryptocurrency?
How does a digital currency affect the RMB's status?
What are the downsides of a digital fiat currency?


China Tech Talk 33: Fintech IPOs and the future of money in China with Zennon Kapron
China Tech Talk 80: Libra lessons from WeChat and QQ
China fast-tracks development of national digital currency in response to Libra
China’s digital fiat currency is ‘nearly ready’ for launch: PBOC official
WeChat Conference: CHina CHat 2019!
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Zennon Kapron, @ZennonKapron


John Artman, @knowsnothing, TechNode
Matthew Brennan, @mbrennanchina, ChinaChannel


Peter Isachenko

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