By comparing these two approaches of democracy, I think people-oriented "China model" reveals a profound governing rules, that is, no matter which political system is adopted in the given country, say the multi-party system, a one-party state, or no party, the government must be committed to fundamentally improve the people's livelihood, including material and non-material aspects.

From a broader perspective, I think the "Chinese people-centered model" is not only consistent with China's own historical heritage, but also the institutional innovation and wisdom crystallization of the Chinese people. China's governance model has eliminated the largest amount of poverty in human history, created the largest middle class in the world, and made historic achievements in COVID-19 prevention and control, all of which have shocked the rest of the world.

I believe that human history will choose the side of China's people-centered model, that the whole world will eventually move on in the direction of people-centered model, and that western democratic system must evolve in the same direction. We will prevail.