The White House has changed! The US is no longer trying to change the Chinese system.

Translated from Chinese social media post, on November 9, 2021.

The United States is no longer trying to change China, but is looking for ways to coexist with It, Sullivan told CNN, Russia's Sputnik news agency reported November 8.

"The goal of the Biden administration is to shape the international environment in a way that is more conducive to the interests and values of the United States, its Allies and partners, and to like-minded 'democracies,'" Sullivan said. It's not about bringing about fundamental changes in China itself."

In his view, one of the mistakes of past U.S. policy toward China was the belief that the Chinese system would undergo fundamental changes through U.S. policy, the report said. "The goal of U.S. Policy toward China is to create an environment in which two great powers can work within the international system for the foreseeable future," Sullivan said. But he added that Washington would ensure the terms of those systems were in the interests of the United States and its Allies, and would "shape the rules of the international road" based on its values.