JUCCCE, the Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy, is an organization catalyzing society towards a future where personal and planetary health thrive. JUCCCE leverages government channels, international networks, and contributions from corporate and individual contributors to make an impact on key drivers of climate change such as food and agriculture, industry, and consumption. In this episode, Peggy Liu, Chair of JUCCCE, summarizes a 10-year journey to significantly mitigate climate change in China. Learn about what has evolved in China since 2007, how an eco-friendly city is defined, and the larger vision for aligning climate action with what people not only care about, but also love. Hint: it isn’t PM 2.5. Peggy Liu also provides some advice for the Biden-Harris administration regarding climate action in China and the US. 

This is a fascinating dialogue, where both the incandescent lightbulb and the great conjunction make cameos.

Relevant links:

JUCCCE website: https://www.juccce.org/

Peggy Liu’s active social media: https://www.facebook.com/shanghaipeggy