Join us as we learn about Yuki Yu’s story starting Energy Iceberg, a research firm providing in-depth coverage of the entire Chinese energy system. Uncover how Energy Iceberg is, according to Yuki, solving the “massive knowledge gap between the outside world and China” when it comes to the electricity system and enabling environment. Often, if there are no international suppliers or investors involved in China-based energy and infrastructure deals, foreign media are simply not that interested. That’s why we were so excited to speak with Yuki! We spend some time on the electricity market (including the 五大四小), coal, and offshore wind.

Some background for the benefit of our listeners:

Generation Companies (Big 5)

中国华能集团公司 - China Huaneng Group Corporation

中国大唐集团公司 - China Datang Corporation

中国华电集团公司 - China Huadian Corporation

中国国电集团公司 - China Guodian Corporation

中国电力投资集团公司 - China Power Investment Corporation

Generation Companies (Smaller 4)

国投电力公司 - SDIC Power Corporation

国华电力公司 - Guohua Power Company

华润电力公司 - China Resources Power Company

中广核集团有限公司 - China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co., Ltd.

Grid Companies (Big 2)

国家电网公司 - State Grid Corporation

中国南方电网有限责任公司 - China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd.