2:10 How prior government experience helped Kim in her compliance role today.

3:13 What kind of compliance issues are unique to a retail business?

4:26 Is the scope of a typical compliance role becoming broader now to cover things like data privacy?

8:20 How do you get your message across in training the business teams?

12:04 How do you do trainings for 3rd party business partners such as vendors and distributors?

13:18 Any differences between working with the business teams in China and in other parts of Asia Pacific?

16:38 How to get the senior management to help drive and support the compliance program?

21:21 How about empowering middle management who are often the first to encounter problems?

23:40 Making your presence felt in the region when the compliance team sits in the regional headquarters.

26:38 Is face time still important in a compliance program with the prolific use of video conferencing now?

28:20 Business is getting done despite a dramatic reduction in travel and entertainment with clients because of COVID-19.  Will this lead to a permanent reduction in compliance risk to the company?

29:05 What do you see as changing trends for compliance in Asia Pacific?


Jacob Thomas

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