Episode Content:

We are happy to host Jerel Bonner who is the Author - Sharpening China's Talent, - Published June 2015, and a TEDx Speaker April 2014 Shanghai, "Becoming the Knowledge Worker". He lives in China since 2003 and built a successful corporate coaching and consulting business in Shanghai.

Jerel, first tell our listeners what you exactly do? I see that you are involved with social media consulting, management consulting….(wow long intro...missed these questions!!!) ha… :)

When we spoke the thing that came up many people have problem with is prospecting. And what I mean by that is identifying if the person you are speaking with or researching on can really help you achieve your goal. Can you give a few guidelines for people to do better prospecting?

I know of many people who does corporate training. What kind of skills you need in order to work in that? And what’s the best way to start your own corporate training business.

Do you think corporate training in China would be different from other places around the world?

How can you leverage social media today to stick out for a future job seeking? Is it different in China than in other places?

I think that the job market in China is changing a lot and it’s becoming harder and harder for foreign talents finding jobs in China because of regulations and competition. How can foreign talents keep been relevant for Chinese companies?

What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

Episode Mentions:

The Six Competencies of Business Success



Malcolm Gladwell

Brene Brown

Adam Grant

Jerel TEDx recording

The Managing talent linkedin article

Knowledge at Wharton - layoff employees - chinese government

Profile on linkedin



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