Previous Episode: 34 - Dadlords

We are back from Palm Springs, where (full disclosure) we 100% did NOT record in person. We do a quick recap of our trip - including Steph's wild sensory experience at the Integratron. We segue naturally into embracing gray hair, a debate of what actually is New England, and a throwback to the late-90s term "metrosexual." Danielle's 2005 entry reminisces about being on the VIP list for an epic Head Automatic/A Static Lullaby Show and she explains the curious case of a mistaken identity death. Steph's 2004 entry is nearly unrecognizable as she is actually happy (???); she sneaks into a high school chorus concert, gets yelled at in a mall Chili's, and offers an open invite to the public to join her dinner at Friendly's. We end talking about hearing Gen Z slang in the wild and once again humble-brag about how much people love our matching tattoos. P.S. - enjoy the "hard ending."