Previous Episode: Drink of the Day 10-07-09
Next Episode: Best of 2009 12-17-09

The_Chola_Journey_in_to_Space_Music_110509 This month I decided it was time for me to explore one of my favorite styles of ambient music… “SPACE MUSIC.” Now I know that my “Space Traveler Series” touches on the spacey side of ambient music, however, those episodes are still very much tempo driven. This month’s downtempo podcast is comprised of music … Continue reading Journey Into Space Music 11-05-09


This month I decided it was time for me to explore one of my favorite styles of ambient music… “SPACE MUSIC.” Now I know that my “Space Traveler Series” touches on the spacey side of ambient music, however, those episodes are still very much tempo driven. This month’s downtempo podcast is comprised of music all but devoid of true tempo. The songs are much more freeform for the most part, only really driving tempos using arpeggiators or rhythmic sound. Space Music creates massive soundcapes that invoke mental imagery of far away worlds, stars, and nebulae.

I have been a fan of Space Music since I was a child. I think the first time I ever heard this style of music was during a car ride home from the beach while listening to “Hearts of Space” on NPR… I was fascinated with it. I have tinkered with my own space music throughout the years and decided to include an original, improvisational piece of music that I created and recorded on the fly for this podcast. Here is a link to download my song free of charge… Download Here.

While I am certainly an amateur at producing this wonderful music, I must say that it is an amazing experience to sit down to a keyboard and create it on the fly. Surrounded by LED’s, LCD’s, blinky lights, sliders, knobs… it almost feels as if you are piloting your own spacecraft through a universe of sound that you are creating with your own creative mind. I have a real appreciation for just how complicated it is to control so many timbers, morphing between sounds, tempos (or lack thereof,) keys… worlds… all the while keeping it all together, in a freeform flow of consciousness. Composers like Serrie, Gulan, Brennan, etc are true masters of this craft.

I invite you to put on a pair of headphones, turn off the lights, lay down, hit play… and drift away in to a wonderful universe of sound. Don’t worry, you will be back home in a little over 80 minutes.

Here is this month’s tracklist…

01. Altus– For All Time

02. Kendall Station– Tether

03. Ulrich Schnauss– In Between the Years

04. Andrew Lahiff– Static Neon Flow

05. Gulan– The Black Hole

06. Jonn Serrie– Stratos

07. Chad Helenthal– Ambient Space Unknown

08. Thom Brennan– Raingardens

This Podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License to support the interests of the original featured artists.