Today we talk to Kevin Zwerg - a future lawyer - about the values of discipline and reliability. Are these values important at all in education and how much of them do I have to pass on to my child?

I think the topic of values is one of the most important areas in the raising of a child - the question behind this is, of course, how should my child interact with the environment? And it is precisely these thoughts that we want to take a closer look at today and talk to Kevin about his experience in this area.

Enjoy listening, we look forward to your feedback.

Values - What values do we pass on to our children? This is a fundamental question in the subject of raising children

Today we talk to Kevin Zwerg - a future lawyer - about the values of discipline and reliability. Are these values important at all in education and how much of them do I have to pass on to my child?

I think the topic of values is one of the most important areas in the raising of a child - the question behind this is, of course, how should my child interact with the environment? And it is precisely these thoughts that we want to take a closer look at today and talk to Kevin about his experience in this area.

Enjoy listening, we look forward to your feedback.

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