Crikey, Hold on to your neck strap!
*Strong Stomach Warning*
This weeks fabulous lady Liz Dutton runs her own business, owns two horses who she enjoys hunting and fun rides with and has two school age sons...
Why the warning? Liz and I are going to chat about not only beingĀ  successful busy Mum and business owner but talk about her business itself- Liz is the lady behind Equine Hygiene UK where she is taking care of - predominately geldings- nether regions and sometimes mares too as she cleans and checks to make sure everything is in full working order without a build up of debrie or anything more sinister. Its absolutely fascinating and Liz has a brilliant sense of humour!
Also in this epsiode Josh and I talk about being thrown to the proverbial wolves and being asked to judge at a childrens show!
DM me your questions on @child.pony.sleep.repeat or let me know your listening by sharing a story or writing a review!