Previous Episode: Episode 22: Steph Buxton

This weeks interview is with Eloise ArmigerĀ  who is Mum to two boys, 7 year old George and 3 year old Arthur. Eloise used to buy and sell horses and also run a transport business with her partner however, now she is following a new career path as a Mindset Coach for Mums which is her new vocation since having her sons and finding herself a single parent just before the pandemic hit last year, Eloise also juggles this alongside a new passion for breeding miniature shetland ponies.

This week we hear from our Horsey Midwife Elaine Shaw whilst she is in the midst of running Horsey Pre-School and teaching thoroughbred yearlings how to long rein happily and safely round the stud and the best tips to make it go well!

The Non Horsey Husband is currently the Very Pheasanty Husband and is busy feeding and rounding them up early in the mornings and late into the evenings so we will catch up with him next week.