Previous Episode: Episode 11
Next Episode: Episode 13

In this week’s interview I’m speaking to my lovely friend Netty Pope, who is mother to two children Eva and Alex. Netty is now a full time freelance gardener but before having her children she was a hunt groom, point to point work rider and had horses of her own. Recently there has been less time for horses but Netty finds just as much happiness through her gardens and plans to get a mother daughter share soon!

In Tales from the Foaling Unit, we are now talking to Elaine Shaw about the other half of her job which is Yearlings. How she gets the barns ready, the sales she aims for and the work that goes into making everything and everyone in the barn ship shape and shiny.

The Non Horsey Husband is flat out this week with chicks arriving soon and our last full day off together for the rest of the year has now been and gone plus, we are exchanging on buying our house with lots of emails and phone calls going on, so I’ve given him the week off!