Katie interviews Meg and Jess, two certified child life specialists who also have dual certifications in rec therapy and nursing! These two ladies host a podcast called Don't Worry Bout My Hair and they are your @friendswithfros!

We tackle tough questions that are way overdue in the field of child life: 

Have you received any feedback or comments from black families regarding challenges due to limited diversity of the hospital staff? What's been the most challenging thing about being a black woman in a predominantly white profession? While I know you do not represent your entire race, like I don't represent mine, do you have any things you'd like white clinical and hospital staff to know, hear, or change? What vital resources and habits would you like to for share children's hospital, specifically, that promote anti-racism and diversity?

This episode is also available on the Child Life On Call YouTube channel. 

Go listen to Jess and Meg's podcast and follow them on Instagram at @friendswithfros!

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