A mother fights against time and navigates the emotional rollercoaster of her daughter's lung transplant, as she strives to fulfill her promise while facing the heart-wrenching challenges of the organ transplant process in a race for survival.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Uncover the intricate realities of pediatric lung transplants and management of exceptional medical conditions.

Relate to the heart-rending emotional challenges families wrestle with during the organ transplant procedure.

Comprehend the physical restrictions imposed on children by pulmonary hypertension and PVOD.

Appreciate the critical role of sturdy support networks and trusty medical personnel in the face of daunting health dilemmas.

Spark dialogue about the pressing imperatives of greater recognition and resources needed by families dealing with severe health situations.

My special guest is Jan Stepps

Life sometimes throws curveballs that test our strength and resilience. As a parent who has navigated the complex journey of her child's lung transplant, Jan Stepps is a beacon of hope and strength for all families facing similar situations. Armed with personal experience and the lessons learned from her daughter's PVOD diagnosis and subsequent transplant, Jan generously shares her insights on the emotional highs and lows of this life-changing journey. Once an accomplished train dispatcher, she adeptly uses her situational management skills, providing clarity amidst the chaos that such overwhelming situations create.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction,

00:04:33 - Initial Symptoms and Diagnosis,

00:07:40 - Pulmonary Hypertension and Transplant,

00:10:57 - Emotional Response and Coping,

00:13:55 - Supportive Network,

00:15:39 - Dealing with Difficult Conversations,

00:16:20 - Telling an Eleven-Year-Old,

00:18:40 - Understanding PVOD,

00:20:15 - Overwhelmed by Transplant Process,

00:26:30 - Finding Support in a Transplant Community,

00:32:28 - "The Importance of Keeping Promises",

00:33:45 - "The Transformation After the Lung Transplant",

00:35:09 - "Handling Follow-up Visits and Appointments",

00:36:24 - "Personal Growth and Perspective Shift",

00:38:47 - "Humor and Healing",


Connect with Jan  




Whether you are a parent or professional, we want you to join our community. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Parents, download our free parent starter kit.

When you download our starter kit, you’ll learn how to:

Give medicine to your child without it becoming a wrestling match Prepare your child (and yourself) for a shot so they can feel less anxious Create and use a coping plan for any medical appointment or procedure

The first sign of sniffles, or worse, shouldn’t send you into a tailspin. Feel confident in your role as a parent and advocate, no matter what medical situation you’re facing.

Child life specialists, get affordable PDUs on-demand here.

Shop for your CLOC gear here.


A mother fights against time and navigates the emotional rollercoaster of her daughter's lung transplant, as she strives to fulfill her promise while facing the heart-wrenching challenges of the organ transplant process in a race for survival.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Uncover the intricate realities of pediatric lung transplants and management of exceptional medical conditions.

Relate to the heart-rending emotional challenges families wrestle with during the organ transplant procedure.

Comprehend the physical restrictions imposed on children by pulmonary hypertension and PVOD.

Appreciate the critical role of sturdy support networks and trusty medical personnel in the face of daunting health dilemmas.

Spark dialogue about the pressing imperatives of greater recognition and resources needed by families dealing with severe health situations.

My special guest is Jan Stepps

Life sometimes throws curveballs that test our strength and resilience. As a parent who has navigated the complex journey of her child's lung transplant, Jan Stepps is a beacon of hope and strength for all families facing similar situations. Armed with personal experience and the lessons learned from her daughter's PVOD diagnosis and subsequent transplant, Jan generously shares her insights on the emotional highs and lows of this life-changing journey. Once an accomplished train dispatcher, she adeptly uses her situational management skills, providing clarity amidst the chaos that such overwhelming situations create.

The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:00 - Introduction, 00:04:33 - Initial Symptoms and Diagnosis, 00:07:40 - Pulmonary Hypertension and Transplant, 00:10:57 - Emotional Response and Coping, 00:13:55 - Supportive Network, 00:15:39 - Dealing with Difficult Conversations, 00:16:20 - Telling an Eleven-Year-Old, 00:18:40 - Understanding PVOD, 00:20:15 - Overwhelmed by Transplant Process, 00:26:30 - Finding Support in a Transplant Community, 00:32:28 - "The Importance of Keeping Promises", 00:33:45 - "The Transformation After the Lung Transplant", 00:35:09 - "Handling Follow-up Visits and Appointments", 00:36:24 - "Personal Growth and Perspective Shift", 00:38:47 - "Humor and Healing",


Connect with Jan  




Whether you are a parent or professional, we want you to join our community. Sign up for our newsletter here.

Parents, download our free parent starter kit.

When you download our starter kit, you’ll learn how to:

Give medicine to your child without it becoming a wrestling match Prepare your child (and yourself) for a shot so they can feel less anxious Create and use a coping plan for any medical appointment or procedure

The first sign of sniffles, or worse, shouldn’t send you into a tailspin. Feel confident in your role as a parent and advocate, no matter what medical situation you’re facing.

Child life specialists, get affordable PDUs on-demand here.

Shop for your CLOC gear here.