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With the New Year holiday over, Nadeshiko learns what Aoi did during the holiday. Also, Nadeshiko finally receives her first paycheck. You know what this means, right? At last, Aki, Aoi, and Nadeshiko finally shared what they had done during New Year’s holidays. Aoi and her little sister walked around Sanmachi and took a bath […]

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At last, Nadeshiko and Aoi share what they did during the New Year holiday.

With the New Year holiday over, Nadeshiko learns what Aoi did during the holiday. Also, Nadeshiko finally receives her first paycheck. You know what this means, right?

At last, Aki, Aoi, and Nadeshiko finally shared what they had done during New Year’s holidays. Aoi and her little sister walked around Sanmachi and took a bath at the Hirayu Hot Springs. Of course, Nadeshiko revealed that she hanged out at her grandmother place with Rin and Ayano dropping by on the first day. Also, her family came by on the second day.

While not as adorable as younger Nadeshiko, I find it amusing seeing Aki stuff her face.
There is more where that came from.

Also, they talked about the photos that Rin sent them. Meanwhile, Aki is stuffing her face with the food that Nadeshiko and others brought back as souvenirs. I find this quite amusing, although it’s not as cute compared to younger Nadeshiko of course.

This is how Aki spent her money.
Yes, Nadeshiko actually acted like a pole.
She gave up after awhile.

With that, Aki and Aoi finally revealed what they brought with their money earned from their temp jobs. Aki decided to buy a hexagon tarp, which cost 6000 yen. They decide to put it up. I find it funny how Aki forgot to bring a rod and use Nadeshiko as one. The funny thing is that after a while after setting everything up, Nadeshiko just gave up. I find this hilarious as they didn’t freak out when the tarp landed on their heads.

Rin becoming surprised over the idea of a doggy tent.
She can’t hide the fact she wants to see it.

Meanwhile, Ena bought a doggy tent for 10,000 yen since she saw it online. Of course, Rin becomes surprised how good it looks. Obviously, she wants to see Chikuwa in the tent, even if she denies it.

Nadeshiko wants to give up after struggling to find a suitable part time job.

Aside from that, it seems that Nadeshiko wants to earn more money to buy more camping gear. Sadly, she couldn’t find a good job nearby. Yep, it’s the same struggles most unlucky Millennials and Zoomers face, especially in the Covid19 economy. Still, Nadeshiko is excited to buy that lantern she is really excited for. She also thought about trying solo camping as well while waiting for the train.

Eventually, Nadeshiko’s older sister, Sakura finally calls Nadesiko. Yep, she wants to treat her to dinner. I find it hilarious how Nadeshiko rushed there to have a tempura bowl near the station. When Nadeshiko came by, she ordered two sets for 1700 yen each. The thing is, Nadeshiko becomes surprised asking if she deserved it.

Yep, Sakura really wanted Nadeshiko to treat her to a meal, but she is joking. Her initial reaction was hilarious.

When Sakura asked if it’s her payday, Nadeshiko’s soul left her body. It appears that Sakura wants Nadeshiko to treat her to a meal. It looks like Nadeshiko won’t be able to buy the thing she wants. Of course, it’s a joke since Sakura wanted to point out that the restaurant, which they are eating at are hiring. Either way, Nadeshiko seems happy that she found a job.

I liked how Nadeshiko posed with the first item she bought with her own money she earned.
Thankfully, it’s a close call.

Either way, I liked how Nadeshiko reacted when she finally bought the lantern. Her expression is just amusing. Of course, Aoi and Aki takes a lovely picture of Nadeshiko holding it. Of course, she almost tripped, but thankfully caught it before it hit the ground. That is a close call. I can’t imagine if Nadeshiko dropped it. It won’t end well.

I liked Nadeshiko’s smile after lighting the lantern.
It’s nice to see Nadeshiko gift her older sister something.

She also bought something extra, which she didn’t reveal to her friends. It’s something she saw in a camping magazine, a reusable hand warmer for Sakura. Nadeshiko doesn’t have to go that fall, but then again, she helped her find a job, so I guess it’s a nice gesture to give in return. ¶

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