Hi am Alexa James, and I am so excited to bring you to Chikchat®in a podcast! 
Welcome to episode one! Today we are super excited to launch our podcast where we focus and emphasize health and wellness in all areas of a teen girls life.

I do want to preface all of this and let you guys know that I am a certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor and I have a specialty in Youth fitness. However I am not a medical nurse or doctor.  I am not a licensed nutritionist - so any advice that we give you concerning diet and nutrition please double check with your doctor and do your own research I’m just passionate about food and exercise and wellness that I love researching it I love talking about it and sharing all of the information that I have learned and seen to be true in my life

When we are healthy we can look and feel our best and we are empowered to be able to do all of the things that we were meant to do on this planet. 
But being and staying healthy takes hard work determination and persistence and discipline. There can be a lot of obstacles that can keep us from being healthy-usually the number one excuse is lack of time. But sometimes it can also seem expensive and like you have to know a ton of stuff -like all the latest research and what is the latest diet fad and is it truly healthy? 

But it’s super important to overcome these challenges super important and  being healthy and vibrant is attainable. and I will tell you that anytime that you put some hard work and effort into something you will see results you will be satisfied and your self-esteem will improve greatly in a gazillion ways.

We wanna help you do that, so, at ChikChat®, we  are launching a series of videos that will provide you with some quick and healthy ideas for grab and go breakfasts and lunches
When  you plan ahead it makes things much smoother and easier. Yes you’re putting in some time initially - at the front end - but the execution is really fast and in the end saves you time money and calories

In our first video I teach you how to make homemade hummus.  www.chikchat.com/blog
A lot of the ingredients in hummus help fight inflammation - like olive oil and chick peas - even tahini- which is made from sesame seeds,  may also help reduce inflammation in the body. 

inflammation is one of the hugest enemies to our health. 
A wide array of health problems, including but not limited to chronic pain, obesity, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, dental issues, and cancer all have the source of there issue rooted in in inflammation, 

The crazy thing is that  the majority of inflammatory diseases start in the gut. So it’s super important that we have a healthy gut biome or a healthy gut environment. There’s the obvious
digestive issues like heartburn, reflux, constipation, diarrhea...

Your brain, your immunity, skin, diabetes, auto immune diseases, are all affected by the health of your gut- so you want it to be healthy.  The gut  good bacteria and bad bacteria if we’re going to make some broad generalizations here. And when we have inflammation the bad critters start to grow and they feed off each other and grow and grow and cause inflammation. But when we eat healthy and we have a lot of fiber -which have a talk about in a minute, then the good bacteria start to grow and they develop and reduce the bad bacteria. -
So- fiber is a nutrient that feeds that good bacteria in your gut and colon which in turn, help decrease inflammation and all of the potential health problems that information Can cause. Fiber also aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels and 
Helps you manage your weight

Hummus is a great source of fiber -and I hope I’ve given you some incentive to check out o

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