Entrepreneurship can be many things: fulfilling, maddening, lucrative, demoralizing, exhilarating, lonely, etc., and community can help normalize the roller coaster ride.

But simplification is the best tool to reduce chaos.

That's why keying in on one thing at a time is such a valuable practice, and Terry Weaver has built an extraordinary community through events around that concept.

Terry will be joining us on the next B2B Community Builder Live Show to talk about how he's built up his legendary "The Thing" event series and what he's been able to learn from this experience (and the experiences of his community) that can help you get unstuck as an entrepreneur, in your career, or even help you decide if entrepreneurship is for you.

We're going to dive into topics like:

- The one skill that seems to be most misunderstood and mislabeled for entrepreneurs: creativity
- The one thing most entrepreneurs suffer with when it comes to having successful partnerships
- The only thing that entrepreneurship guarantees (hardship), and the only way to know if you can handle it
- and much more!

Whether you want to know how to grow an event series, if you should quit, or how to take the next step, this will be a conversation you will want to be part of!

Connect with Terry:

On his LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrytheweaver/

Connect with ME!

Join us LIVE on the show: https://tinyurl.com/b2bcb2023
Online at:
LinkedIn or Instagram.

Support the Show.