By now, you probably understand that some sort of combination of live events and content can build a powerful community, and you know who you want to help, but how do you plan it, execute it, and grow it from scratch?

That's exactly what Francisco Arizmendi did for Freshbooks, and it completely changed his career.

As he starts a new role to build ANOTHER great community for Superside, he's here to share how he hit his first home run and how he's going to do it again!

He shared:

- how he got started from zero with a small budget
- why he was able to scale it across North America through live event
- what mistakes he made early on that has changed his playbook
- and much more!

From the moment I met Francisco in 2019, I was in awe of what he was doing, and have been DYING to have him on the show to talk about it.  It's finally happened! 

Francisco Arizmendi
is a community builder, podcaster, content creative, and event producer. His passion lies in connecting humans and companies in authentic and meaningful ways. He is the co-creator of FreshBooks’ global event series #imakealiving and the I Make a Living Podcast (Apple and Stitcher's top 10 Business Podcast). He has produced content, video, webinars, etc. for FreshBooks and Tribe. Recently, Francisco joined the team at Superside, where he will launch a brand new community space for marketers, designers, and creatives in 2022.

Come be a part of the show!

Connect with Francisco!

On his LinkedIn:

Connect with ME!

In person at:

FINCON in Orlando 9/07-10
CMX Summit Thrive in the San Fracisco area 9/13-15
Bad Ass Business Summit in Dallas/Ft Worth 9/22-24
Jesse Lane Conference in Jacksonville 10/22-23

Online at:
LinkedIn or Instagram.

Learn to produce internet talk shows and build your own Relationship Flywheel. Find out more about the Bootcamp HERE.

Or shoot me an email at [email protected] with the "Heard B2B's Francisco Arizmendi" in subject.

This that's a genius email address?  Me too, but I didn't come up with it.  It was the idea of my good friend, and super talented web designer, Nathan Ruff.

If you want your website redone, updated, and managed with unlimited updates for just $250/month (CRAZY GOOD DEAL RIGHT??), go to Manage My Website and hookup with one of the smartest, most talented guys I've ever met- THE Nathan Ruff.


How He Built a Multi-City Community From Scratch w/ Francisco Arizmendi

How his community journey started: 

Customer outreach to build relationships and found that they wanted a space to intentionally connect and continue the conversations after meetings The first event was to bring entrepreneurs into space, called “I make a living”  

Check out the rest HERE

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