Justin Schenck is my favorite podcaster so this one is real special to me.  I found his voice right when I was doing the heavy lifting on my journey of defining my passions and building a business around it.  His podcast, The Growth Now Movement, focuses on personal growth, and I needed it.

I was lucky enough to connect with Justin at the last conference I went to before COVID shut everything down.  When we met, we were both very much looking forward to the second year of his live event, Growth Now Movement Live, which I have VIP tickets for. 

Now, thanks to COVID, he's been forced to totally reimagine his event, and he's been fanatical about making it as valuable as possible so I wanted to pick his brain about:

- His amazing story
- How he was able to leave corporate America thanks to podcasting
- How he's made the Growth Now Movement Live Virtual Eperience unlike anything anyone has ever seen

I'm a firm believer that online events will not go away after COVID.  They will simply be another option to live events that we will continue to get better, and will always be an option.

I suggest you strongly consider going to Justin's event.  It's going to be packed with value, and will set a new standard for how to consider attending live events from here on out.

Plus, I'd love to see you there!

Buy a ticket at: https://www.gnmlive.com/

Check out Justin's podcast: https://growthnowmovement.com/

Follow him on IG- @justinschenck

Connect with him on LinkedIn - Justin Schenck

Connect with ME!

Also, I'd love it if you connected with me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Or shoot me an email at [email protected] with the "Heard CEC's Charod" in subject.

This that's a genius email address?  Me too, but I didn't come up with it.  It was the idea of my good friend, and super talented web designer, Nathan Ruff.

If you want your website redone, updated, and managed with unlimited updates for just $250/month (CRAZY GOOD DEAL RIGHT??), go to Manage My Website and hookup with one of the smartest, most talented guys I've ever met- THE Nathan Ruff.

Support the Show.
