Zoe Hartsfield calls herself the Queen of video prospecting, a killer relationship builder, and a mediocre podcast guest.

I beg to differ... at least on the last part

In fact, just that description alone shows part of the reason she's doing so well in her career using LinkedIn and TikTok to grow business relationships.

We had a PHENOMENAL conversation about all the tactics she uses to grow relationships across multiple channels and skyrocket her personal brand.

Connect with Zoe!
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoehart/

Connect with ME!

Also, I'd love it if you connected with me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Or shoot me an email at [email protected] with the "Heard CEC's Zoe" in subject.

This that's a genius email address?  Me too, but I didn't come up with it.  It was the idea of my good friend, and super talented web designer, Nathan Ruff.If you want your website redone, updated, and managed with unlimited updates for just $250/month (CRAZY GOOD DEAL RIGHT??), go to Manage My Website and hookup with one of the smartest, most talented guys I've ever met- THE Nathan Ruff.

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