Welcome to Sudbury and High School Curling for the pilot of our upcoming patreon exclusive series, Bonspiel!!

Tournament Arc is written by Chloe Montgomery and Alyssa Ridley.
You can buy it, and the season pass at https://biscuitfund.itch.io/tournament-arc

You can buy Kat's games at zaftikat.dog.

Support us on patreon here!

Eagle Ver.IO Short Ver.
Vocal: Kasuga IO / Fuuka Mariwo
Words / Music: Sakagami Souichi

プライド  (Pride) Demo
Vocal: Kasuga IO
Words/Music: Souichi Sakagami



Kathleen Hyslop (it/she) – Tessa Wati-Brodeur (she/they)
Erin Cotter (they/them) – Lachlan Molson (they/them)
Erika Rebecca Belsaas (any/all) – Trigve Bjergstad (he/him) 

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