This conversation with Allie Utley (PhD candidate in homiletics and liturgy at Vanderbilt University, professor at Presbyterian Theological Seminary) is very much about the Church as a whole—you’ll probably even learn some new vocabulary. But this conversation is also about what we do as members of the Church—or any worshipping community, for that matter—when we can’t gather.

Spoiler alert: it hurts. It calls for grief. And it calls for something new and creative from Christian circles.

Allie and I talk in-depth about what on earth the Church as a worshipping community can do while public worship isn’t available. Also note that this episode is explicit for a reason.

Connect with Allie: @aeutley

Connect with Heather: @theheatherlawrence

We’re ready to hear from you if you have thoughts, ideas, responses, questions—consider this an open invitation to connection and conversation.